My teaching experience includes teaching students at the Primary and the Middle school levels. I find each teaching experience so unique and a scaffold for further teaching and learning.
As learning is eclectic, I focus on creating resources that are not just practical and meaningful but also fun.
So connect with me to motivate, inspire, and empower.
Laurane @teach2tell.com
My teaching experience includes teaching students at the Primary and the Middle school levels. I find each teaching experience so unique and a scaffold for further teaching and learning.
As learning is eclectic, I focus on creating resources that are not just practical and meaningful but also fun.
So connect with me to motivate, inspire, and empower.
Laurane @teach2tell.com
Scaffold the writing of the parts of a narrative that include the elements of a plot (exposition, inciting incident, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution) with this comprehensive pack comprising of 40 editable Power Point presentation slides, student guided interactive notes, sample texts, self-editing and peer-editing checklists and marking rubric.
Overview of Items Included:
1.40 editable and animated Power Point slides.
2.17 guided note-taking sheets.
3.Cover sheet to collate all note pages into a booklet.
4.Teacher reference notes to use along with the presentation.
5.Sample narrative text for each element of the plot: exposition, inciting incident, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action and resolution
6.Plot diagram to be filled in by student for each element of the plot as it is covered.
7.10 Review/assessment questions on the plot.
8.Picture narrative writing prompt: third-person fictional or personal.
9.Narrative writing prompt: student’s choice
10.Plot diagram for organising story events.
11.Student check-list: self-editing
12.Peer-editing check-list.
13. Teacher marking rubric.
14. Snapshot of all 40 (colour) slides on a sheet for both student (glue in notebooks) and teacher reference. Prints fine in black and white.
Collate all guided note sheets (except the story maps) into a booklet. Staple together with cover sheet. Use the story map sheet in conjunction with the guided notes. Students will document content from the presentation. They will highlight key evidence in the sample text and fill up each part of the story map for each element of the plot as it is presented. Keep a separate copy of the story map on hand for each student. This way students don’t have to keep going back and forth through their notes to refer to the story map. Elicit response prior to presenting each slide to gauge students’ prior knowledge or to make them think constructively. Refer to the Teacher Guide as you present.
The slides are editable so you will be able to edit content or change spellings. Some text that is locked in with the clip art is not editable; this is in keeping with the artist’s terms of use.
Have students practice writing a personal or third-person fictional narrative on the provided picture-writing prompt or on a topic of choice. They use the story map to plan and organise the story events.
Students self-edit and peer edit using the self-editing and peer-editing checklist. Use the Teacher Marking Rubric to provide an assessment score. This resource has greatly helped my students to structure their narratives and I hope it will help your students too.
Are you looking to teach your students popular types of poems? This print and digital poetry writing resource will help scaffold the writing of 15 poem types.
Items Included
15 sample poem types in print black and white version
15 sample poem types in digital color/colour version: format PowerPoint file & Google Slides (link included)
Writing sheets with images and lines to scaffold poem writing
Teacher Marking Rubric (grades)
Performance Rubric (no grades)
Student Self-Reflection
Center/Centre Checklist
Poem Table of Contents
Anthology Cover Sheet
You can upload the digital PowerPoint file to your LMS.
Recommended Use
Students can refer to the sample poem types to write their own poems on the themed lined sheets provided. Simply keep the laminated sample poems, lined sheets, and copies of the checklist in a folder for easy access (print version).
The digital version in Google Slides displays a sample poem alongside the writing template. The slides can also be downloaded and printed out.
The digital PowerPoint slides can be uploaded to your online learning management system.
Use the Teacher Marking Rubric to grade written poems.
A performance rubric is also included with no scoring, but just criteria.
The 15 Poem Types are:
A Simile Poem ‘About Me’
‘I Am’ Poem
‘With My Senses’ Poem
5 W’s Poem
Bio Poem ‘About Me’
Antonym Diamante
‘I Don’t Understand’ Poem
‘Just Because’ Poem
Concrete Poem
Creature Alliteration Poem
Acrostic Poem
Parts of Speech Poem
How I Used This Resource
For the print version, I have students write initial drafts of the poems in their notebooks first, and after self-editing, peer-editing, and teacher checking they can publish their drafts on the provided lined sheets. Use the ‘My Anthology of Poems’ cover sheet to compile each student’s poems into a poetry anthology. This will definitely be a memorable keepsake for your students.
For the digital Google Slides version, I assign a couple of poems at a time via Google Classroom. Students refer to the sample poem alongside to write out their own version. They ‘Turn it’ in when completed. Students also present their poems to the class.
Is the Easter Bunny a hare or a rabbit? How many million Peeps are sold each year during Easter? What part of the chocolate Easter Bunny should you eat first? Your students will enjoy knowing the answers to these and many more interesting questions with this 32 Scavenger Hunt Fun Facts pack on Easter. Please note only Fact Card 1 outlines why Easter is celebrated. The rest of the fact cards all feature fun facts and are not of religious significance.
32 Fact Cards on Easter
4 Recording Sheets
4 page Answer Key
27 Writing Templates featuring Easter images; 1 blank poster included for students to self-illustrate.
Banners (plain and decorated)
Place the 32 fact cards on Easter around the classroom. Students can work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to find the answers to all 32 questions on their response sheets. They must read the fact card to find the answer for each corresponding fact question on their response sheets.
Early finishers who complete the Scavenger Hunt can design their writing posters. Wrap-up the activity by getting students together and asking them to share the facts they found the most interesting. They may refer to their recording sheets and posters.
‡ You may break-up the activity and do cards (1-18) or (19-32) depending upon time available.
The Alphabet ‘/l/’ booklet features interactive activities for the letter ‘/l/’. Students get to compile all activities in a booklet to take home. In addition, they craft a ‘Letter ‘/l/’ Champ’ crown and wristband and put together a mini flipbook.
The Alphabet ‘/l/’ booklet comprises of student friendly font, graphics, and an appeasing layout of print-n-go sheets. Kids adore Superheroes and the Superhero characters will be a motivator to engage students in learning. Both the uppercase and lowercase letter ‘/l/’ are introduced so students can see the difference.
✓ Letter ‘/l/’ Poster and flashcards
✓ Three cover options for booklet
✓ ‘About Me’ page
✓ Tracing and writing uppercase and lowercase ‘/l/’
✓ Identifying the letter ‘/l/’
✓ Sorting the letter ‘/l/’
✓ Spinning the letter ‘/l/’; review other letters
✓ Finding the letter ‘/l/’
✓ Drawing letter ‘/l/’ pictures
✓ Identifying first sounds of letters: letter /l/ and review previous letters
✓ Creating a glittering letter ‘/l/’with glue and glitter
✓ Creating a collage template for letter ‘/l/’ pictures
✓ Letter /l/ maze, puzzle and join the dots fun
✓ Summary sheet of the letter ‘/l/’
✓ Sight/High-frequency words: Activity Sheets,
→ Mini Letter ‘/l/’ one page booklet
→ ‘I’m a Letter ‘/l/’ Champ’ crown
→ ‘I’m a Letter ‘/l/’ Champ’ bracelet
→ Mini flipbook on letter ‘/l/’ words
→ Lion finger puppet templates (6 on a page)
→ Lion Stick Puppets (4 on a page)
Teach your students 20 essential reading strategies. The 30 graphic organisers (colour and blackline) will help your students practise key reading strategies with any text they read.
Each graphic organiser provides an explanation of the reading strategy in focus. Students will be able to successfully document their findings via the writing prompts. The eye-catching graphics and student-friendly organisation will surely motivate the most reluctant.
✅ 30 BLACK AND WHITE graphic organisers to document the application of the reading strategies
✅ 30 COLOUR graphic organisers to document the application of the reading strategies
✅ 1 cover sheet (featuring name and grade) to compile all organisers into a booklet
✅ 2 page writing template
The reading strategies in focus are:
⭐ Author’s Purpose
⭐ Asking Questions
⭐ Cause and Effect
⭐ Characterisation
⭐ Compare and Contrast
⭐ Context Clues
⭐ Determining Importance
⭐ Drawing Conclusions
⭐ Fact and Opinion
⭐ Main Idea and Details
⭐ Making Connections
⭐ Making Inferences
⭐ Making Predictions
⭐ Problem and Solution
⭐ Setting
⭐ Sequencing
⭐ Story Elements
⭐ Summarising
⭐ Synthesising
⭐ Visualising
Focus on one reading strategy at a time. Have students record their responses on the specific graphic organiser as they read. Use the writing templates if you would like students to write a paragraph/page from information documented in the organiser.
This resource will also be very useful to teach, review and apply the reading strategies in preparation for Naplan.
THIS RESOURCE IS INCLUDED IN THE BUNDLE:https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/reading-strategies-bundle-11614333
Prior to requiring students to write a narrative, it is imperative that they know its structural components. This mini unit will help your students understand the purpose of the three main points of view: First Person, Third Person Limited and Third Person Omniscient.
✓ Cover Sheet for Booklet.
✓ Anchor Chart (colour and blackline) outlining Point of View.
✓ First Person and Third Person Writing Sample.
✓ Venn Diagram to Compare and Contrast First Person Point of View and Third Person Point of View.
✓ Switching from Third Person point of view to First Person point of view for given prompts.
✓ Switching from First Person point of view to Third Person point of view for given dialogues.
✓ Switching a story extract from the Third Person point of view to the First Person point of view.
✓ Switching a story extract from the First Person point of view to the Third Person point of view.
✓ Writing on a given scenario from two different points of view.
✓ Picture Prompts (x 3): writing from the First person and the Third Person point of view.
✓ Summing Up: 11 multiple-choice questions on understanding the effectiveness of Points of View in
Use these flipbooks to scaffold the writing of Information Reports on Australian Animals. Students have a choice of 24 Australian Animals to research on. This resource can be used as a stand-alone flipbook or in an interactive notebook.
What’s Included:
24 EDITABLE cover templates in blackline to print. Images not editable.
EDITABLE Flipbook templates (2-7), in blackline to print.
*Self-editing checklist
*Peer-editing checklist
*Teacher Marking Rubric x 3 formats
*24 Vocabulary Display Cards
*Writing sheets x 3 styles
COVER: 24 cover (images not editable) options featuring Australian animals. Students can pick the cover depending on what Australian animal is under study.
The following Australian animals are featured:
Bandicoot, Black Swan, Cockatoo, Dingo, Echidna, Emu, Kangaroo, Kiwi, Koala, Kookaburra, Platypus, Possum, Tasmanian Devil, Wombat, Bilby, Brown Snake, Crocodile, Frilled Neck, Lizard, Green Tree Snake, Quoll, Red Belly Snake, Cassowary, Sugar Glider, Thorny Devil
weight, length, family, and group of Australian animal. Students may also write a brief description.
location in Australia. A map of Australia is included to mark the location.
food the Australian animal eats to survive. There is place for illustration.
the breeding seasons and habits.
the physical and behavioural adaptations that enable the Australian animal to survive in its environment.
any other interesting facts about the Australian animal that would sum up the information report.
You can choose either of the options.
Print out the templates in blackline. Cut around each template and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Have students colour in cover page. Staple at top tab for flipbook or glue descending order in notebook.
Print out the templates on cardstock (different colours). Cut around each template and assemble. Attach at top.
** Have students refer to books, websites, and videos on the specific Australian animal to record information.
Have students collect information in their flipbook on the Australian animal under study. This could also serve as their draft where they could use the self-editing and peer-editing checklists to edit. Finally have students publish on given writing sheets or type out content from draft observing corrections. The sections pertaining to habitat, diet, life-cycle, and behaviour can make-up the Body of the Report and 1-2 interesting facts to conclude the Information Report.
** These Australian Animal flipbooks are sure to make an interesting bulletin board display.
PRINTER SETTINGS: file >print > scale to fit paper
If you would like to teach your students a step-by step approach to writing persuasively and also scaffold every stage of the writing process, then you will find this Persuasive/Opinion writing bundle very useful. All components in this pack are designed to facilitate students to sit state tests or writing assessments.
This is a growing bundle. By purchasing this bundle you will have access to all future resources on Persuasive Writing as they are released individually at no additional cost. The price will rise as consecutive packs/resources are added. The bundle features a mix of print-n-go sheets, mentor texts, editable presentations, guided notes, interactive notebook templates, hunt cards, anchor charts, posters, checklists and rubrics.
The materials adhere to a formal writing style complete with close detail to elements of structure and composition of persuasive texts whereby opinion is supported by relevant details. For further details of lessons and activities, read more about each resource included in this bundle
*Is your class doing an activity on climate change or learning about the accomplishments of notable women during Women’s History Month? Then this editable flipbook will be the perfect addition as it will help your students scaffold the writing of a biography on Greta Thunberg. This resource can be used as a stand-alone flipbook or in an interactive notebook. *
What’s Included:
EDITABLE Flipbook templates in blackline to print x 6
EDITABLE Flipbook templates in color to print x 6
Self-editing checklist
Peer-editing checklist
Teacher Marking Rubric x 3 formats
Publishing sheets x 3 styles
Students will research information on the selected subject, Greta Thunberg.
The flipbook is used to collate information on the subject. It will also be the first
draft whereby students will self edit and peer edit and publish from.
Students will publish their writing on given templates.
Display students’ research on the bulletin board.
The flipbook scaffolds the research process with guiding prompts.
The following sections are included:
Cover Template: choice of three – students pick one
The Writing Prompt x 1 template: instructions to collect information on the subject’s biographical information.
The Introduction x 1 template: Name of subject, time period and place, what the subject is known for.
Journey of Life x 2 templates: key information on the subject’s early life: family, childhood, education, personal interests, beliefs.
major achievements and obstacles: milestones, awards, major successes,
difficulties faced and outcomes
Lasting Legacy x 1 template: current status: time period and place, most memorable impact, important quote
How to assemble: Flipbook
You can choose either of the three options.
A. Print out the templates in black and white. Cut each template on the horizontal line and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Have students colour in image and lettering. Staple/glue at the top.
B. Print out the templates on cardstock (different colours). Cut on the horizontal line and assemble. Students may colour in image and lettering. Staple/glue at the top.
C. Print out the templates in colour. Cut on the horizontal line and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Staple/glue at the top.
How to assemble: Interactive Notebook
Cut each template on the horizontal line. Assemble smallest to largest. Glue down
largest template (Lasting Legacy) in notebook. Paste other templates at the top tab one above the other from largest to smallest.
This flipbook will help your students practise essential research skills while
writing an interesting biography on Greta Thunberg.
This writing unit will help you scaffold the structural components of an persuasive essay and facilitate your students to write persuasively on given topics.
There are four lessons that will scaffold writing at every stage of the persuasive essay on a given topic. Each lesson features a booklet cover. All the individual lessons can also be combined into one whole booklet with a general cover.
1. Posters on Persuasive Writing x 3: definition, key points, structure
2. Sample Text: All lessons revolve around this sample text. Students will colour code the parts of the text as the lessons are delivered.
3. Sample Text: targeting differentiation for higher ability students
4. Mini Lessons x 4: Deconstructing the Introduction, Deconstructing the Body, Deconstructing the Conclusion
5.Peer-editing checklist
6.Self-editing checklist
7.Teacher Marking Rubric
8.Six posters on Persuasive Writing Signal Words
9.Blank Writing Sheets on a topic of choice
10.Two page mini booklet featuring the sample text. Have students refer to this booklet when attempting lesson 1 on deconstructing structure. Assembly instructions included in file.
20 questions that target the key components in terms of structure, language, and vocabulary of a persuasive piece of writing.
Focus on two major hooks: strong statement, hypothetical question. Students will write their own hooks, opinions and thesis statements on given topics based on sample.
A sample body paragraph is provided for students to colour code the topic sentence, supporting details and the concluding sentence. A graphic organiser enables students to brainstorm their ideas of body paragraphs on a given topic. These ideas are then written out in succeeding organisers marked: first body paragraph, second body paragraph and third body paragraph. This is an opportunity for students to also make revisions and edit their work as they write.
A sample concluding paragraph is provided for students to colour code the parts of a conclusion: summary statement, brief restatement of three reasons given in body, and a call to action.
Are you looking for an informative collection of posters featuring popular poem types? This types of poems poster collection will surely enhance your classroom decor this National Poetry Month. Each poetry types poster includes a concise definition of the poem type, accompanied by a sample poem. This setup allows students to analyze and understand the structural and thematic elements of each poetic form.
Both US and British English (spelling) Files included.
Item Included
1 pdf file featuring 28 posters (8.5 x 11 inches, landscape orientation)
28 high-resolution (300 dpi) JPGs
The Types of Poems featured in these posters are:
Bio Poem
Concrete Poem
Epigram x 2
Five Senses
Free Verse
Lyric Poem
Narrative Poem
Palindrome Poem
Pastoral Poem
Riddle Poem
Key Features:
Vibrant Imagery:
Each poster features engaging, colorful designs that capture the essence of different poem types, making your bulletin board pop with creativity and color.
Educational Content:
These posters cover a wide range of poem types, including haiku, sonnet, limerick, free verse, and acrostic, providing students with clear definitions and examples that enhance their understanding and appreciation of poetry.
Interactive Learning:
Use these posters as a springboard for classroom activities during National Poetry Month. Encourage students to create their own poems in the styles showcased, fostering a hands-on learning experience.
Versatile Use:
Ideal for classroom walls, library displays, or even as a resource in writing centers, these posters are versatile and can be used year after year.
Celebrate the art of poetry with this “Types of Poems Posters,” collection and create an educational space that both inspires and informs. Perfect for teachers looking to add a functional yet artistic touch to their classroom during National Poetry Month or any time of the year!
Are you teaching your students all about the four kinds of sentences or the four types of sentences? Use this collection of Cornell-style note templates and the animated PowerPoint Presentation to reinforce the understanding of the four types of sentences: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory.
Students will record information on the note-taking sheets while you present the Power Point.
The Dragon-theme will make learning all the more interesting for your students!
Both US and British English spellings and terminolgy included.
Items Included
Cornell-style Guided Note Templates x 4 sheets and 21 slide PowerPoint Presentation (US spelling & terminology)
Cornell-style Guided Note Templates x 4 sheets and 21 slide PowerPoint Presentation (British English spelling & terminology)
8 Posters Style 1 (color and blackline) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
8 Posters Style 2 (color) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
Posters come in two sizes: 8.5x11 inches and A4
The note-taking takes after Cornell styled guided notes. The PowerPoint presentation will equip your students with key content knowledge and ample practice on the four types of sentences prior to students working on other reinforcing activities.
The note-taking sheets require students to fill in the blanks as you present the PowerPoint slides. Content ranges from writing parts of definitions of grammatical terminology in addition to interactive practice examples.
Topics Covered in Presentation
Definition, Examples, Changing Sentence Type and Practice Quiz
Declarative sentence
Imperative Sentence
Interrogative Sentence
Exclamatory Sentence
Suggested Use
Run through the presentation yourself prior to presenting to students.
Present the slides one at a time, students will follow instructions on each slide like filling in the blanks on their note-taking sheets and attempting practice examples. The slides are animated to present information in manageable chunks.
Follow-up with task cards, practice sheets or notebook templates available in the bundle.
Are you teaching your students all about the four types of sentences? Use this collection of interactive notebook templates and posters to reinforce the understanding of the four sentence types: Declarative, Imperative, Interrogative, and Exclamatory.
Both US and British English spellings and terminolgy included.
Items Included
Interactive Notebook Templates 1 Pdf file (US spelling & terminology)
Interactive Notebook Templates 1 Pdf file (British English spelling & terminology)
8 Posters Style 1 (color and blackline) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
8 Posters Style 2 (color) featuring definitions and examples of the four types of sentences.
Posters come in two sizes: 8.5x11 inches and A4
Being able to read and comprehend effectively is vital if your students need to become competent readers and this can only be possible if they have sound knowledge of essential reading strategies that target the acquisition of this key skill.
This bundle of 20 Task Cards (with/without QR Codes), 53 Interactive Notebook Templates (with colour photographs of assembly instructions) and 30 graphic organisers (colour and blackline) is sure to equip your students with key reading skills, and in addition provide effective preparation for Naplan or Reading Assessments.
The 20 reading strategies in focus are:
⭐ Asking Questions
⭐ Cause and Effect
⭐ Characterisation
⭐ Compare and Contrast
⭐ Context Clues
⭐ Determining Importance
⭐ Drawing Conclusions
⭐ Fact and Opinion
⭐ Main Idea and Details
⭐ Making Connections
⭐ Making Inferences
⭐ Making Predictions
⭐ Problem and Solution
⭐ Setting
⭐ Sequencing
⭐ Story Elements
⭐ Summarising
⭐ Synthesising
⭐ Visualising
Further details of each of the three products included are as under:
✋ These 20 post reading task cards will help your students practise 20 key reading strategies with any text they read. Each card has an explanation of the strategy and 2-3 tasks that require the application of that strategy.
✋ Students also have the option to use QR Codes. Each post-reading task card features a QR Code. Students will be able to use their I-pads/tablets to see a video explaining the strategy in focus prior to attempting the task card activity.
The 53 interactive notebook templates will provide your students with a hands-on approach to practising the application of key reading strategies with any text they read. The interactive notebook templates feature a definition or an explanation of the strategy and is accompanied with assembly instructions. Photographs of completed templates included.
These 30 graphic organisers will help your students practically apply 20 reading strategies with any text that they read. Each graphic organiser provides an explanation of the reading strategy in focus. Students will be able to successfully document their findings via the writing prompts. The eye-catching graphics and student-friendly organisation will surely motivate the most reluctant.
► Naplan Year 5 Language Conventions is a time-driven examination and the key to achieving success is being prepared.
► The number of questions and time limit may be changed by the authoritative body during any given testing year. The number of questions in a test is usually 50 to be completed within the time frame of 40 minutes. This leaves a student with just 48 seconds to complete each question (time limit divided by the number of questions).
► This Practice Paper features 60 questions that target a variety of questioning types prevalent in Naplan past papers. Other than targeting spelling skills at the requisite level, the paper focuses on punctuation, parts of speech, sentence structure and clause structure.
► The questioning strategy of each of the 60 questions target a range of spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. The questions have been formulated after extensive study of recent years examination papers and adopt the style and format of the same.
✓ Cover Sheet x 2 options (if compiling all sheets into a booklet)
✓ 60 Questions (multiple choice, check-box, short response) on spelling, grammar and punctuation
✓ Answer Key
✓ You may release the sheets gradually to students 2-3 at a time, or have them attempt the entire paper in one sitting. Be sure to provide additional time as there are 60 questions. Alternatively, print pages 5-12 (51 questions) to be completed within a time frame of approximately 40 minutes.
✓ It is best practice to familiarise yourself with the type of questions so you can provide a brief explanation of skills tested prior to students attempting the paper.
✓ ►►After students have attempted the practice paper, display the answer sheets on the interactive board and discuss as a class.
►► Disclaimer
I am not in any way affiliated with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA ) other than training my own students and having operated as a Professional Marker for Pearson Education marking NAPLAN examinations.
► Naplan Year 3 Language Conventions is a time-driven examination and the key to achieving success is being prepared.
► The number of questions and time limit may be changed by the authoritative body during any given testing year. The number of questions in a test is usually 50 to be completed within the time frame of 40 minutes. This leaves a student with just 48 seconds to complete each question (time limit divided by the number of questions).
► This Practice Paper features 60 questions that target a variety of questioning types prevalent in Naplan past papers. Other than targeting spelling skills at the requisite level, the paper focuses on punctuation, parts of speech, sentence structure and clause structure.
► The questioning strategy of each of the 60 questions target a range of spelling, grammar and punctuation skills. The questions have been formulated after extensive study of recent years examination papers and adopt the style and format of the same.
✓ Cover Sheet x 2 options (if compiling all sheets into a booklet)
✓ 60 Questions (multiple choice, check-box, short response) on spelling, grammar and punctuation
✓ Answer Key
✓ You may release the sheets gradually to students 2-3 at a time, or have them attempt the entire paper in one sitting. Be sure to provide additional time as there are 60 questions. Alternatively, print pages 5-12 (51 questions) to be completed within a time frame of approximately 40 minutes.
✓ It is best practice to familiarise yourself with the type of questions so you can provide a brief explanation of skills tested prior to students attempting the paper.
✓ ►►After students have attempted the practice paper, display the answer sheets on the interactive board and discuss as a class.
►► Disclaimer
I am not in any way affiliated with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA ) other than training my own students and having operated as a Professional Marker for Pearson Education marking NAPLAN examinations.
These 44 writing posters will help you to scaffold the structural elements of the following genres: narrative, persuasive and biography
→ 8 posters on writing a Biography.
→ 16 posters on writing an opinion or persuasive essay.
→ 20 posters on writing a Narrative
♦ Project the PDF file on the interactive whiteboard to introduce the structural elements of each genre.
♦ Print and display at a Writing Center.
Your students will have as much fun as mine did in assembling this flipbook featuring the nine planets of the solar system.
What’s Included:
Flipbook templates in blackline to print.
Flipbook templates in colour to print.
Checklists and Marking Rubric
Vocabulary Cards
How to assemble flipbook:
You can choose either of the three options.
Print out the templates in blackline. Cut around each template and assemble from smallest template to largest template or as per order of planets. Have students colour in planets and lettering. Staple at the top.
Print out the templates on cardstock (different colors). Cut around each template and assemble. Students may colour in planets and lettering. Staple at the top.
Print out the coloured templates. Cut around each template and assemble. Staple at the top.
Interactive Notebook
Glue the last template ‘Pluto’ in notebook. Then glue the other templates (descending order) just at the top tab.
Suggested Use:
Have students refer to books, websites, and videos on the planets to record information.
List information that you want students to include in their report on the board, for example, planet’s distance from the sun, average temperature, number of moons (refer to rubric).
The flipbook-style templates would make research on the planets more fun and engaging for students. The templates feature a visual of each of the nine planets and ample lines for students to write sufficient information.
Use these scaffolded interactive notebook templates and poster set to target differentiation and teach your students all about Simple and Compound Sentences.
12 posters/anchor charts featuring a definition and explanation of the Simple Sentence, Compound sentence and the seven coordinating conjunctions.
Notebook Templates:
Notebook Templates 1 (cover and response sheet) – students identify the subject and predicate (complete and simple) in the sample Simple Sentences.
Notebook Template 2 (cover and response) – students combine two simple sentences to write a compound sentence with compound subjects/compound predicates.
Notebook Template 3 (cover and response sheet) – students identify compound sentences by highlighting the coordinating conjunction used and writing the two simple sentences that make up each compound sentence under the flaps.
Notebook Template 4 – students write compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences with the coordinating conjunctions.
Notebook Template 5 (cover sheet) – students identify simple sentences and compound sentences.
Notebook Template 6 (cover and response sheet) – students write compound sentences on the visuals.
Notebook Template 7 – three-flap set featuring the 7 coordinating conjunctions. Students write their own compound sentence with each of the conjunctions.
Activity Sheet – one print-n-go sheet where students record examples of compound sentences from a book of choice.
Adhering to structure specific to a writing genre is necessary to generate a cohesive whole. These three flipbooks will scaffold the structural components of an OPINION, a NARRATIVE and a BIOGRAPHY at every stage of the writing process.
The range of resources included in the flipbook packs in this bundle are outlined below:
✓ Blackline flipbook templates (editable)
✓ Twenty Posters/Anchor Charts on the structural components of a Narrative
✓ Seven detailed Narrative Picture Prompts
✓ Lined sheets for publishing written content
✓ VCOP (colour) Posters/Anchor Charts
✓ Student reference sheets on vocabulary, punctuation, openers, and connectives
✓ Self and peer-editing Checklist
✓ Teacher Grading Rubric
✓ Graphic Organisers x 2 on the Plot
EDITABLE FLIPBOOK PARTS: Edit text in text box
Cover Template X 5: edit student details and quote
The Writing Prompt: a prompt is given on this template. You also have the option to edit text and write your own prompt.
The Introduction: point of view, characters, time and setting, brief prelude to what will take place
The Body: plot (rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution), the conflict and how it is getting resolved
The Conclusion: problem is solved, conclusive ending (new beginning, surprise ending, or a self-reflection)
Use VCOP to colour code when self-editing after draft is written. Then have students use the self and peer-editing checklists, and finally have students publish their writing.
✓ Posters/Anchor Charts on the five ways to begin an Introduction: a scene, a quotation, a definition, a hypothetical question and a strong statement
✓ Posters/Anchor Charts on the three Body paragraphs and one concluding paragraph.
These posters/anchor charts provide a visual structural example of how a persuasive piece is written. The sections are color-coded, so students can distinguish between the hook, opinion, and thesis statement in the Introduction, and topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence for each Body paragraph.
✓ Flipbook templates in black and white
✓ Self-editing Checklist
✓ Peer-editing Checklist
✓ Teacher Marking Rubric
✓ Lined sheets for publishing
✓ Six writing task-card (colour and blackline) prompts
✓ Graphic Organisers x 5 to scaffold structure
EDITABLE FLIPBOOK PARTS: Edit text in text box
There is a given writing prompt for students to write persuasively on. You also have the option of writing your own writing prompt.
Prompt for students to include a hook, their opinion, and a thesis statement.
Guideline for students to include a topic sentence for each of the three reasons, followed by supporting details, and a concluding sentence. There are two templates for the body paragraphs.
Checklist for students to include a summary statement to re-state their opinion, brief summary of the reasons provided, and a call to action.
✓ Blackline flipbook templates (editable)
✓ Posters/Anchor Charts on the structural components of a Biography X 9
✓ Lined sheets for publishing written content
✓ Self and peer-editing Checklist
✓ Teacher Grading Rubric
EDITABLE FLIPBOOK PARTS: Edit text in text box
Cover Template X 7: edit student details and quote
The Writing Prompt: instructions to access the given website and collect information on any one person’s biographical information
The Introduction: Name of subject, time period and place, what the subject is known for and how has the subject made a difference in the lives of others or to society.
The Body: key information on the subject’s family, childhood, and major achievements, accomplishments, and obstacles.
The Conclusion: current place of residence of subject or date, year, and place of death if applicable, importance of subject, contributions to society and famous quote.
You can choose either of the two options.
1. Print out the templates in blackline. Cut around each template and assemble from smallest template to largest template. Have students color in image and lettering. Staple/glue at the top.
2. Print out the templates on cardstock (different colours). Cut around each template and assemble. Students may color in image and lettering. Staple/glue at the top.
→ Project the PDF file on the interactive whiteboard to teach the structure via the posters/anchor charts. Also show students the flipbook templates and completed sample. Discuss the requirements for each template.
→ Have students fill in the templates. This could also serve as their draft where they could use the self-editing and peer-editing checklists to edit. Finally have students publish on given writing sheets or type out content from draft observing corrections.
Cut around templates. Assemble smallest to largest. Glue down largest template (conclusion) in notebook. Paste other templates at the top tab one above the other from largest to smallest. Photo of completed sample included.
Have students compile all sections of the flipbook prior to research and writing.
This flipbook is sure to make the entire experience of writing, not just enjoyable, but more meaningful.